a student from Spain

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ModeratoriCOLON sgrilla, Clara

MessaggiCOLON 15
Iscritto ilCOLON mer giu 27, 2007 9:34 am

a student from Spain

Messaggio da leecian » gio ott 02, 2008 8:09 am

Hi everyone! I'm a student from Spain who just finished a Curso de ingles en Irlanda and think it was very good. Ireland is very nice, although sometimes it was difficult for me to understand the strongest accents, now that I have been there talking with English people from England or America seems so much easier, I can understand almost everything said. Maybe I should have tried a Curso ingles Canada though, the snow in Canada looks very pretty, where I lived in Spain was very dry so I have seen very little of it ever even though I like it a lot. Is anyone here considering a tefl course? I was thinking about it, as it seems good to have, but I was wondering how good it looks to employers and if anyone had experience those types of courses who could express and opinion on them.
Travel is more fun in anyways ;)